Dickens Example

In this example, three books by Charles Dickens are used as a background corpus. Each of the books is subsequently used as a foreground model, and is parsimonized against the background corpus. This results in top terms that are characteristic for specific books, when compared to common Dickensian language.

This is a minimalistic example, which only analyzes unigrams, and uses a background corpus of limited size. As an exercise, one could expand this example with phrase modeling (e.g. as provided by gensim.phrases) to analyze higher-order ngrams.

The full text of the input books was obtained from Project Gutenberg.


First download (or clone) the source files from GitHub.

Then the example can be run from the example/ directory:

$ cd wayward/example
$ python dickens.py


INFO:__main__:Fetching terms from Oliver Twist
INFO:__main__:Fetching terms from David Copperfield
INFO:__main__:Fetching terms from Great Expectations
INFO:wayward.parsimonious:Building corpus model
INFO:wayward.parsimonious:Building corpus model
INFO:wayward.parsimonious:Gathering term probabilities
INFO:wayward.parsimonious:EM with max_iter=50, eps=1e-05

... *omitted numpy warnings*

INFO:wayward.significant_words:Lambdas initialized to: Corpus=0.9, Group=0.01, Specific=0.09

Top 20 words in Oliver Twist:

PLM term         PLM p        SWLM term        SWLM p
oliver           0.0824       oliver           0.1361
bumble           0.0372       sikes            0.0526
sikes            0.0332       bumble           0.0520
jew              0.0297       fagin            0.0477
fagin            0.0289       jew              0.0475
brownlow         0.0163       replied          0.0372
monks            0.0126       brownlow         0.0244
noah             0.0124       rose             0.0235
rose             0.0116       gentleman        0.0223
giles            0.0112       girl             0.0178
nancy            0.0109       nancy            0.0164
dodger           0.0107       dodger           0.0161
maylie           0.0093       monks            0.0159
bates            0.0088       noah             0.0156
beadle           0.0081       bates            0.0133
sowerberry       0.0079       giles            0.0118
yer              0.0077       maylie           0.0117
grimwig          0.0062       bill             0.0115
charley          0.0062       rejoined         0.0113
corney           0.0061       lady             0.0110

INFO:wayward.parsimonious:Gathering term probabilities
INFO:wayward.parsimonious:EM with max_iter=50, eps=1e-05

... *omitted wayward logging output*

INFO:wayward.significant_words:Lambdas initialized to: Corpus=0.9, Group=0.01, Specific=0.09

Top 20 words in David Copperfield:

PLM term         PLM p        SWLM term        SWLM p
micawber         0.0367       micawber         0.0584
peggotty         0.0335       peggotty         0.0533
aunt             0.0330       aunt             0.0517
copperfield      0.0226       copperfield      0.0359
traddles         0.0218       traddles         0.0346
dora             0.0216       my               0.0295
agnes            0.0182       dora             0.0290
steerforth       0.0169       agnes            0.0285
murdstone        0.0138       steerforth       0.0259
uriah            0.0100       murdstone        0.0200
ly               0.0088       her              0.0171
dick             0.0085       mother           0.0157
wickfield        0.0084       uriah            0.0145
davy             0.0073       dick             0.0142
barkis           0.0067       ly               0.0140
trotwood         0.0065       wickfield        0.0128
spenlow          0.0064       davy             0.0105
ham              0.0057       trotwood         0.0099
heep             0.0055       barkis           0.0097
creakle          0.0054       ham              0.0094

INFO:wayward.parsimonious:Gathering term probabilities
INFO:wayward.parsimonious:EM with max_iter=50, eps=1e-05

... *omitted wayward logging output*

INFO:wayward.significant_words:Lambdas initialized to: Corpus=0.9, Group=0.01, Specific=0.09

Top 20 words in Great Expectations:

PLM term         PLM p        SWLM term        SWLM p
joe              0.0732       joe              0.1346
pip              0.0335       pip              0.0614
havisham         0.0314       havisham         0.0559
herbert          0.0309       herbert          0.0502
wemmick          0.0280       estella          0.0471
estella          0.0265       wemmick          0.0456
jaggers          0.0239       jaggers          0.0409
biddy            0.0227       biddy            0.0404
pumblechook      0.0161       pumblechook      0.0275
wopsle           0.0118       wopsle           0.0192
drummle          0.0087       pocket           0.0186
provis           0.0067       sister           0.0152
orlick           0.0058       drummle          0.0132
compeyson        0.0057       aged             0.0097
aged             0.0056       marshes          0.0092
marshes          0.0052       orlick           0.0088
handel           0.0051       forge            0.0088
forge            0.0050       handel           0.0082
guardian         0.0047       provis           0.0074
trabb            0.0045       convict          0.0068